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Yesterday (15.02.03) the PEOPLE all over the world spoke out clearly: NO to WAR. Here you can express your feelings, ideas...
Ayer (15.02.03) la GENTE de todo el mundo se manifestó claramente: NO a la GUERRA. Aquí puedes expresar tus sentimientos, ideas...
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Posted by Gonzalo - Fri, March 21st 2003

Ya está. No importa lo que hagamos millones de personas, al final se ha decidido por nosotros. No sé qué me pone más enfermo, nuestros políticos, los medios de comunicación o el sistema capitalista en general. Lo que sí sé es la tristeza que me producen las vidas que se perderán en el confilicto, y lo difícil que resulta aceptar que el mundo sigue su camino hagamos lo que hagamos. Así que una vez más, y todos deberíamos insistir hasta agotarnos, no a la guerra.

Posted by Silvia - Mon, February 17th 2003

Yo estoy por la PAZ. No quiero que nadie bombardee una población inocente por motivos económicos. Quiero que los políticos sean capaces de encontrar soluciones que no impliquen el uso de la violencia. Que escuchen a sus ciudadanos y que hagan lo posible por preservar la Paz. ¿Por qué no luchar por acercar los pueblos, por aumentar la conciencia de las personas, por educar en el amor?

Deseo que las manifestaciones del sábado pasado sirvan de algo.


Posted by Mycle - Sun, February 16th 2003

Dissolving war

Who are all those politicians to decide what is good for other people? And, even worse, using the most disgusting propaganda which exists: to spread fear and panic in order to render support for their cynical methods ‘sold’ to us as ‘protection’. We don't need a protection which calculates human lives as ‘collateral damage’. Nobody needs the ‘saviors of the world’ anymore. We simply don’t need anymore crusades of whichever kind.
How about this definition of the word ‘globalization’: let's raise our personal consciousness and let’s communicate our experiences globally and friendly! For sure, any war – inside or outside – is an outdated concept lowering consciousness. As a ‘mental relict’ from ancient Darwinist survival theories it serves only in raising fanaticism and fatalism, superiority and inferiority. Who elected those politicians to be self-serving ‘leaders’ although they are just serving special interests (their own)? Democracy can only mean that they are elected to serve the people. That should be satisfying enough. In order to do that they need the integrity to exchange the ‘winner-loser’ strategy for ‘win-win’ scenarios. ‘Losers’ are tomorrow's terrorists (some politicians might fall into that category).
How interesting every individual can be while developing themselves, how boring while clinging desperately to old habits.


Mycle (, Barcelona, Spain

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