Day 290
"Reader! Perhaps you heard somebody speaking or writing about it: fashionable expressions like 'management gurus', 'financial gurus', 'media gurus' or something like 'housewife's yoga'. Isn't it interesting how the bottomliners (the one's who daily show their dependency on material things ) try to spice up their boring materialist lives with something higher, even if the have to 'buy' it. And what they can't buy has to be put down. They never encountered a guru who is an honored spiritual teacher (at least in India) who is able to teach committed people via a complex system - Yoga - the way to free themselves from all body/mind/soul inhibitions. Because the western person thinks it doesn't need any mind/soul support, the physical movements have been extracted from the whole to teach some diluted relaxation to anybody (which makes it a great mass product). This way 'yoga' makes money and one can even make it fashionable by engaging prominent people. What do you think, Reader, deep from your guts: Is the way to yourself fashionable? Or might it be better to let go -right NOW - of all fashionable style? . . .just let go of it . . ."