DDT - Daily De-Tox

Friends tell you the truth. Sometimes this truth is a bit bitter but that's why they are friends. The texts themselves are meant to make the ego lose some ground: let it go! Do it... NOW!
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Day 019

H. hands

Reader! Scientists are stressing the importance of the hands in human evolution. They say that is because humanoids could construct tools and use them in specific ways. It seems indeed that hands are capable of many things. They can caress and beat somebody, play piano or write books, they can hold on and let go, they can play tennis, masturbate and- in modern times - they made the sensational discovery of how to click a computer mouse. With one hand! Anyway, what do you think , Reader, who or what decides how to use hands, since they can do damage and good according to received impulses or habitual training? Is it the head or the heart initiating the impulses? Would you kill somebody from the heart? Probably, if you have a closed up heart. Should one circumvent this delicate question and leave it to what today is called 'reason' some kind of linear thinking? Maybe the hand then is just there to execute orders like pushing buttons to launch rockets or to sign checks. Musicians would usually say you have to play from your heart which involves a relaxed hand action coming from an open heart. So shall we just leave all tightfisted fighting? Let's just let go of that . . ."

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